Friday, March 11, 2011

I Met an Old Man

Today and yesterday have been fairly boring. Haven't even really had that much human contact to be honest. There was supposed to be a movie night for people not going to the Uni-Bar Party last night, but when I went down nobody was there and the t.v. wasn't even on. So... not sure what happened there.

Today I woke up early (6:30) to go into the Midi-Lab at the uni. I wanted to go early because I had to record a voiceover for my digital story-telling project and it needed the room (with 20 computers in it) to be quiet. So I spent an hour and a half working on that project, came back, and had a nap. At lunch time there was a fundraiser in the bbq area for Leukemia. I went down to support, and brought $4. One guy shaved his head and another got his legs waxed. Only a few of us actually showed up and stayed, but through all of their efforts they raised $300 or so.

Seeing it was going to be another lazy and unfulfilling day, I took a walk. Not too far, but I found a few things, the most interesting was a pie shop. Go in, order a pie, sit down and eat it. I'm not a big pie fan but it's good to know it's there.

As I was walking away from one plaza, an older man (mid-late 60's I'd guess) stopped his car and got out to ask me if the shops were still open. I hadn't payed attention so I apologized and said I didn't notice. He strikes up a conversation, noticing my accent, and asks where I'm from. "Canada." "Oh yeah, what part?" "The east coast." "Oh okay, so like, Toronto?"

Why does everybody here think Toronto is the east coast? Everyone!

Anyway. We continue to chat. He's French, has been living in Tokyo for awhile but wanted to move to Australia to "slow down" (unsuccessfully). He said something that really resonated with me: "The people here seem to be pretty nice. They seem to be, but deep down they're not as much. They're very cliquey with friends and family. I've had a lot of trouble making friends." ME TOO, BUDDY. I thought I was just going crazy! But somebody else sees, it, too. I smiled and said I totally agree. He then invited me to grab a coffee with him.

I have 2 rules when I meet somebody new: 1) I do not give out my phone number. You can give me yours, and I will decide later if I want to keep in touch; 2) Until I feel comfortable with you (this applies especially if I'm alone), we only meet on my turf. Now, I don't have a whole lot of "turf" here, or places I'm familiar with. I told him thanks, but I was going to keep wandering. He gave me his number and said if I ever want to see more of the Gold Coast that isn't the touristy bits, or grab a coffee, to give him a call.

I guess I'm telling you this much detail because I'm asking if I should ring him or not. My intuition is usually spot on, but lately it's just been static; it can't tell what's up or down. I would feel better if I had somebody to go with me, but as I touched on, I'm lacking in the friend department, and the ones I would call a friend I know wouldn't be keen on having a 60+ year old friend. (Which makes me think... should I, even?)

Opinions encouraged.

Ttfn all

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we find friends in the most unlikely of places, and people. Follow your instincts.
