Sunday, April 24, 2011

Writing from the Heart Sucks.

So I missed my first session tonight.

I booked 2 hours at midnight to record guitar for a song I recently wrote. However, 30 minutes before I was going to go in, I had a mini revelation. I became overwhelmed with a feeling that is quite the opposite of what the song I was going to record ("Trickster") is about. The feeling I had came from a real experience, and the song I wrote was directly related, but completely opposite.

It's hard to explain this without telling you an intimate detail of my life, and because this blog is public, I'm trying to be discreet. "Trickster" is about a vice. And not being ashamed of it. It's actually about being almost proud of this vice. But the sudden feeling that came over me was that of sadness, and being hurt.

I just can't bring myself tonight to go in and record that song- it would feel like a betrayal of sorts. 

Yup, I realize how ambiguous I'm being. Sorry.

I hate it when people don't show up for bookings- so I guess from now on I can't complain about it. But because of this, I've set myself on an even more strict timetable. It was only 2 hours so I don't think it will hurt me too much. If I can't write a song to counter Trickster, then I will go ahead with it anyway.

Probably for the best anyway. I'm tired. And walking alone at 2am on the Easter holidays probably isn't the safest thing to do. Time for bed, I think!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peace Off.

Well hello again!

Not too much has happened since my last post. A lot of writing, assignments, etc. One thing is worth mentioning though:

Last weekend I went out to Surfers Paradise (clubbing area) with a friend, and met 3 of his female friends. We all clicked pretty well. And I looked all right, too.

The night was fun. My ears were ringing until I fell asleep because the music was so loud, but dancing is a good way to relieve stress. On the ride home I learned a very important lesson. You see, back home, my "sign" is the peace sign, palm facing me. It's my go-to thing when someone takes a picture. It's accepted as a fairly nice symbol as far as I know. So as we were driving home (my friend was the DD), we were at a red light and the car next to us looked over, two young guys, so I smiled and gave them the peace sign. This is my greeting. They didn't like it. The driver flipped me the bird, and at the next light, he got out of his car and started coming toward us. I told my friend to just run the light- thankfully he did.. who knows what would have happened.

Then the girls in the back seat begin to explain that it doesn't mean the same thing here. In fact, it means f*ck you/off. Just another way of flipping someone off. I felt sooo bad. I keep asking my Australian friends if they have heard of it, and about 80% of them say that yes, I did tell them to f off. Whoops. I've gotta start turning my hand around...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Late Night Jams

So far I've had two late night jams. The first one was with a third year, Josh. We're going to record one of my songs together and we got down structure and a guitar sound last week. We started in the studio around 11:30 and left at about 3. Don't have pictures from this one, but next time maybe!

I also went to the beach the other day. Second time since I've been here :P This one is surfer's paradise. It was windy and mostly unenjoyable because of the wind. But hey, I still swam. The pictures don't really capture the waves, they were pretty big, and the current was so strong I came back to shore. My legs aren't used to it yet..

Thursday night (or, Friday morning if you want to be proper) I had another midnight session with two guys who want to start a band. We wrote two songs that are mostly rock. I hear a bit of punk in the first one we did but I'm hoping that our original idea of "Evanescence-esque" comes back soon. 

That's what 5am looks like. This could have been a pretty picture if I had the ability capture it properly.