Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Done!

After a lot of frustration, iMovie finally became my bitch! :D (Well, so far.)

My Digital story is up now. I need to preface this with ... it is VERY amateur. I wanted to include much more video but the people I contacted didn't contact me back. Awwesome. And also, for the people in Woodstock, when I say "I left my home." I realize the photo isn't of my closest friends, and doesn't actually include any of you who would consider us close... I'm sorry!!! I just couldn't find a really nice picture of all of us (So I'm telling a little fib to my class). But trust me, I was thinking of you when I said it.

Feel free to be as honest as you want. I've recognized all the things I don't like about it, and I won't oppose constructive feedback (this is the same with anything else I post in the future).

Anyway! As I'm too lazy to get the full link, here's my account:


  1. I am finally on youtube!!
    Thought it was really good. I never knew you were in Les Mise (I <3 Les Mise), but that was obviously before I knew you. Fun fact... did you know I helped Geoff with tech on that?

  2. I just watched this! It brought a tear to my eye - tres cool. Miss you.
