Monday, June 27, 2011

To Infinity, And Beyond!

It's 1:36am. I can't sleep. Seems these days I never want to go to bed, and once I finally do, I never want to wake up. So, instead of lying restlessly in bed, I'm going to blog!

Last weekend was a good weekend. Got out of the apartment, which is always nice. One night, a good friend took me out to Surfer's Paradise and showed me some bars. In Toronto, that's what I enjoyed most. Dancing is fun, but sometimes I just like to sit back and relax and chill out. So we went to a few bars and saw the sites of downtown. We were going to try out the slingshot ride... and I chickened out. Owned by two little girls screaming "can we do it again!?" *Wimp*

One thing that intrigued me, Infinity. My lovely friend didn't tell  me anything about this place! And the guy at the counter wasn't about to give anything away, either! I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect, but everything seemed very "illusion"-ey.

It was a mix of strobe lights, large medicine balls, mirrors all around, overall, really cool. But some rooms made me do what I haven't done for years: scream like a little freakin' girl.

Open the door to one of the dozen rooms, and it's all black. I mean pitch. black. Of course, my friend wouldn't allow me to follow - I had to go first. Something's laying on my face. Things are hitting. me in. the face. Cue scream. Cue minor freakout. I had no choice but to walk through the dangling whatever's.  And naturally there was ambiance music and I'm sure somewhere along the lines there was a loud noise that also made me jump.

Generally, I'm a pretty cool, calm and collected person. People tried tirelessly to scare me and make jump, but always failing. I learned something about myself in those dark.. small rooms....

It may have shocked me the first time round, but I had soo much fun. I recommend it (you know... if you're ever in the Gold Coast...). Next time I'll make a point of not being such a wuss.. x.x 

Enough of that. Kudos for you reading through that treacherous story.    I'm not up to a whole lot these days. The semester is over - I haven't gotten my final marks back yet, but I think I did fairly well overall. Going to have a real vacation and meet my mom halfway for a week; I'm quite looking forward to it.

I'm at a stand still with my music... I haven't written anything new for awhile. Writer's block, you could say. I've got no inspiration. Instead, I'm trying to put energy into learning to play the guitar better - still, that's not going too well, either. I haven't progressed much from the last three months. Trying to push myself, but I've hit a snag in the road and it's not easy to get out of.

I bought a new piano book - Adele. If you haven't heard of her, please, please go check her out. Attempting to learn a song (or a few), but finding free time with a piano is easier said than done. I go when I can. My fingers are slowly getting used to it again. Slowly ;)

All in all, I'm doin' well. I wish I was actually doing something, work or school; I'm terrible at doing nothing. Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have some pictures from the vaca and a more interesting post :)


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